Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Recognize The Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Are you thinking you may be pregnant, but just aren't sure? Are you unsure of what to expect? There are many early signs of pregnancy that will let you know you are pregnant indeed. This article will help you recognize these early signs so you can know what to expect.

Missed Period

This is an obvious one of course, but keep in mind that a missed menstrual cycle doesn't always mean you are pregnant. It could be caused by anything from stress to taking medicine that has thrown your cycle off balance. But, if you are as regular as clockwork, it could very well be an early sign of pregnancy.


If you begin to feel cramps that are pretty much like those you get during your period, it could be a good sign of pregnancy.

Dizzy Spells

Because the fetus takes in your blood sugar as its food source, you may often times begin to feel faint or dizzy. It's normal, but you should be sure you don't skip meals or you could make it worse.


Although morning sickness doesn't usually begin in women who are pregnant until week 5 or so, there are those cases in which women get these feelings as early as week two.


This is another early sign of pregnancy for many women. You may begin to see dark brown spotting around 10-14 days after conception.

Feeling Tired All The Time

Tiredness is quite common since a woman's body is going through so many hormonal changes during early pregnancy. This may come and go during your entire pregnancy, although there are things you can do to get more energy during the day.

Tender Breasts

Breast tenderness is a classic early sign of pregnancy. Your nipples may darken and feel much more sensitive. This is due in part to hormones. Your body is beginning to prepare for breastfeeding after giving birth.

Mood Changes

You have no doubt heard it said that pregnant women have moods that can swing on a moments notice. It's all due to your hormones. It's amazing at how you can laugh one minute and cry the next.

These are some of the major early signs of pregnancy that you may experience your first several weeks. If you are indeed pregnant, congratulations! You have a lot to look forward to.

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You can find out much more on the Early Signs Of Pregnancy as well as much more information on all types of pregnancy issues and a week-by-week pregnancy guide at:

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