Saturday, October 31, 2009

Am I Pregnant Quiz - 100% Confirm Pregnancy Signs Before Missed Periods

Have you been sexually active? If yes then you have a 20% chance of getting pregnant in this cycle. You can feel safe if you are using some reliable birth control method. One must always keep in mind that any birth control method is not 100 % reliable. Am I pregnant quiz enables any sexually active woman to detect her pregnancy signs even before missing periods.

Am I Pregnant Quiz

Answer these questions either "yes" or "no". If the answer of below mentioned 5 questions is yes, then there are bright chances that you are pregnant.

Are You Experiencing Nausea? You must have heard something about morning sickness. This pregnancy sign begins to occur even before the missed period. Sometimes a woman can experience this sign at any time of the day.

A woman can be pregnant and might not experience nausea. On the other hand a woman can be nauseated because of food poisoning, virus or stress.

Is there a Change in Appetite? If you notice the cravings of certain foods then this is also a sign of pregnancy before missed period. The cravings for odd combination of foods or non-food items is a confirm pregnancy sign.

Are the Energy Levels Or Moods Different? In the period of pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes that may cause a person to feel unusually tired. Women also experience mood swings like being stressed, depressed or more emotional.

Having More Aches and Pains? Earliest pregnancy symptoms also include headache, backache and tender breasts. These signs of pregnancy may continue for the whole duration of pregnancy or may fade away in the coming months.

Are You Making Frequent Trips To The Rest Room? If you are always going to the rest room or waking up in the night to urinate then this may be the sign that you are pregnant.

If you have ticked at least 4 out of 5 questions then it means that you are pregnant. The next step is to get a pregnancy test done after checking all other Earliest Signs of Pregnancy

If you have ticked less than 2 out of five even then do not get disappointed as Pregnancy Guide will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the bay booties.

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