Thursday, August 5, 2010

Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs of Pregnancy

Are you thinking that you might be pregnant? Or do you hope to get pregnant? Whatever the case is your presence here shows that you want to know about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. This will help you to detect your pregnancy as soon s it occurs.

Following reading will give you an insight about some common signs of pregnancy that your body gives in initial few weeks of pregnancy. The following passages will advice you the signs that help in confirming pregnancy and then getting it off for taking a good start.

To know about the early signs of pregnancy, let's assume for a moment that it has happened. Tiny embryo has indulged itself in the lining of the uterus. But the body has to give many signals. Sometimes these signals start to appear even before, missing the periods. These symptoms continue to grow stronger with each passing day and week.

The classic and the most well know alarm of pregnancy is the missed periods. The jingle bells starts to ring if the sexually active woman misses her periods. At this time if the woman goes for a pregnancy test the result would be positive. Some women may experience light bleeding during these days. This light vaginal bleeding is termed implantation bleeding. This takes place when the growing embryo embeds itself in the wall of the uterus.

At this time many women notice food cravings as well as food aversion of different types of foods. What all you have been herding about the food cravings and increased appetite of pregnant woman is always right. Suddenly the pregnant women may start to crave pasta, pickles and few other food items. At the same time some food group's that they used to love may turn up your appetite.

Till so far no one is sure about the cause of these appetite changes. A school of thought says these changes are the nature's way of informing that women's body now requires full nutrients. Some women feel that they start to crave potatoes, bread and other starchy foods. Carbohydrate rich foods should be taken in the early pats of the day and in early weeks of pregnancy; this help in saving the nutrients and energy for the later days of pregnancy.

Pregnant women also feel extremely thirsty during the first few weeks of pregnancy. The extra fluid intakes help the women in increasing the supply of blood to some other liquids.
Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Early Signs of Pregnancy and find the answer right now.

If the test says that you are not pregnant; even then do not get disappointed as Stages of Pregnancy will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the baby booties.

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1 comment:

  1. Pregnancy is a very serious matter. I think it must be taken into consideration.
